TITLE: Constant AUTHOR: aRcaDIaNFall$ FEEDBACK: arcadianfalls@yahoo.com.au RATING: G SPOILERS: nothing specific CLASSIFICATION: MSR, maybe MSF SUMMARY: A nighttime discussion. --> http://www.geocities.com/arcadianfalls/ Constant by aRcaDIaNFall$ The rain was a steady drumbeat, the windshield wipers squeaking in time. I didn't remember having fallen asleep but I made no effort to even open my eyes. The drive was smooth, the car warm as we travelled through the darkness. I felt safe. Cold fingers closing around my wrist, fingers searching. I opened my eyes, sleepily lifting my head to look across at him. "What are you doing?" I sounded all sleepy. He smiled sheepishly, letting go of my wrist. "Nothing." "You were checking my pulse," I realised, looking at him with dawning curiosity. "You were so still. I was just checking..." "Checking that I was still alive?" He shrugged, uncomfortable. "Just checking." I nodded, smiling a little at his awkwardness. "You do that often?" He rubbed at his eye self-consciously, keeping watch of the road. "Only sometimes... I panic, I guess." "I'm not just going to die in my sleep, Mulder." My voice was gentler, reassuring him. He nodded quickly. "Sure. I know." "Just checking," I mused, gazing at him as I echoed his earlier words, curious. "Same reason why you call me in the middle of the night with nothing to say, and why you're always keeping tabs on me during the day. Are you that afraid I'm just going to up and go?" He shrugged. "You never know." "Yes, I do know," I said with certainty. He glanced across at me, confusion in his eyes. "I wouldn't do that to you, Mulder," I answered steadily. "I wouldn't ever walk away from you. Certainly not without saying goodbye." "Who says you have a choice?" I held his furrowed gaze levelly. "I'm not going anywhere." Wry smile. "You're tempting fate in just saying that." "Since when do you believe in fate?" A nod of acknowledgement. A corner came up, giving him a few seconds grace. "I guess what it all comes down to," he said carefully, "is what you said. I'm afraid you're just going to up and go. Whether it be that you're taken from me again, or that you just choose a better life. Either way, that you're gone, and I'm helpless to stop it." "You think I want a different life?" "Scully, nobody wants this life. Nobody wants to spend their days working in a basement office chasing up the cases nobody else wants to touch and never once getting a thanks or congratulations from the big guys upstairs." "You want that. You chose that." "I know I did. But it was thrust upon you. You didn't have a choice about joining the x-files." "I could have left, dozens of times. I chose to stay." Silence. I saw his jaw tense. All of a sudden he seemed intent on the speedometer. "Mulder?" Another silence. Finally, he glanced up at me, an odd sort of intense apprehension in his eyes. "Why did you stay?" "It's my basement, too," I answered, ducking my gaze as I added, "You're my partner." "Partners come and go." "Not us." "Why not us?" "Because we fought hard to get where we are. You don't just walk away from something like that. You can't." "Can't?" "Even if we did want, Mulder, do you think we could ever survive apart? There's too much between us. We're too integrated into each other's lives." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Maybe it is." "Do you really feel that?" I smiled a little. "No. Our partnership means a lot to me." It means everything to me. "I mean a lot to you." He was treading carefully, trying to get clear answers. That was important. I smiled again. Though this was no great secret it was hardly something we often spoke about. "Yes, you do." He nodded again, quickly, but he didn't say anything. Even something as seemingly simple as this could send his mind flying along at a hundred miles an hour. I reached across to lightly touch his hand as it rested on the steering wheel. He surprised me by taking my hand in his and bringing it to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently. Eyes still on the road, he released my hand and I retracted it. I realised I'd been holding my breath and exhaled slowly, watching him, so curious, but soothed, relaxed in the knowledge that what had been said had already been accepted. I brought my fingertips to my own lips, then reached across to lightly touch his cheek, just holding them there for a few seconds, a promise that my presence was more than just fleeting. Again, I withdrew my hand. Settling back into my seat, I let out a sigh, feeling the warm numbness of sleep encroaching. We still had at least another hour of driving. Mulder had that under control. I yawned quietly as I wriggled, trying to get comfortable. He glanced across at me and smiled. "Sleepy again, huh?" I returned the smile. "Yeah." He nodded. "You get some shuteye. I'll wake you up when we reach home." I yawned again, closing my eyes, listening to the rain and the wipers squeaking. I smiled again. I'll be here, Mulder. Tonight and tomorrow and forever. I'm not going anywhere. Eyes closed, already drifting off, I felt a gentle touch; his hand on my knee, the thumb absently caressing. His eyes would still be on the road, I knew, and I allowed myself a small smile, sliding my hand over his, grasping it warmly. I wasn't going anywhere. Neither was he. Not tonight, tomorrow, or ever. We were each others' constant. It didn't get much better than that. Smiling, I fell asleep. fin. =====